The growing conditions for tomato plants were terrible. We had a long, cool, wet spring which included a frost on May 17, followed by a hot,dry summer.
Cool,wet conditions are perfect for disease pathogens, such as early and late tomato blight, to grow and spread. I started spraying my plants soon after planting, before any evidence of disease started to show up. I started out spraying my usual copper based fungicide and when I say spraying them I mean after EVERY rain. That meant some weeks I was spraying two or three times. In fact, I ran out of my spray and had to get a different brand at a garden center which worked great. (See Caring for your tomato plants post)
The wet spring was immediatly followed by hot, dry weather all summer. I mulched heavily around the base of each plant with grass clippings and kept them watered. Some weeks when it was in the upper 90s I would water them twice a week. Large, indeterminate tomato plants that are loaded with tomatoes need a lot of water. When watering, it's important to water only at the base of the plant and not on the leaves. I usually remove the spray nozzle and turn the water on to produce a low pressure stream.
Sharing my experiences to help you with yours!
Tomato Rog
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