Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Welcome!  While this is a new blog, I think that you will find it very informative.  I have over 40 years experience raising tomatoes and I am going to share that experience with anyone that is looking for helpful information. 

You will not only be able to read about raising tomatoes based on up to date, seasonal information but you will be able to see recent pictures of my, and hopefully others, tomato plants that will give you a better understanding about how tomatoes grow. 

I had a tremendous 2011 tomato crop even though the weather was far from ideal for raising tomatoes.  I'm going to show you pictures, explain the potential problems that I faced and how I avoided them.  So check out my next post "2011 tomato crop".

If I could offer only one piece of advice for a new tomato grower, it would be "Be aware."  Be aware of what tomato plants require to thrive, be aware at the first sign of problems and be aware of how to address the problem.

Tomatoes are truely a treasure of summer!  My hope is that this forum will bring together a diverse group of experienced tomato growers that will freely offer their experience and help!

For more detailed information on raising tomatoes, visit my website at

I'll be looking forward to reading about your successes or answering your questions.

Sharing my experiences to help you with yours!

Tomato Rog

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